Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Boyagin Rock Interpretation Project - Update

It's been 6 weeks or so since our last meeting at Boyagin Rock with the Traditional Owners (TOs). An agreement was reached at that meeting for Wheatbelt NRM to undertake an interpretation project to capture the stories to be told by the TOs and to interpret the native flora and fauna which inhabits the area. These stories will be published as a storybook. Additional signage for the picnic area is also proposed to enhance the experience of visitors to the site.

The current situation is that it's all happening! Wheatbelt NRM are currently finalising contract negotiations with an appropriate resource to start things moving. The current schedule is for that resource to focus primarily on this project for the first half of 2015. It's taken a little time but it's important that Wheatbelt NRM secure the best person for the job.

In addition to the interpretation project the Working Group is now looking at resources to provide us with some concept artwork and drawings for the picnic area as it is clear to everyone that some work needs to be done there to make it an attractive picnic area with better toilets and more shade shelters etc. These will only be concept drawings and will be subject to feedback from everyone concerned, including the TOs. Once we get an idea of the types of work we could do there then we can apply some costs to it and look for opportunities for funding.

We will keep everyone informed as we go.

We should take this opportunity to wish everyone a very happy festive season and good health into the New Year.

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