Monday, 11 November 2013

Summary Notes and Thoughts from Site Meeting 6 November 2013

Summary of notes/thoughts on the key issues and themes raised at the site meeting 6 November 2013:

Below is a list of points discussed at our recent site meeting held at Boyagin Rock. Please feel free to comment as appropriate. All comments will be kept and considered in the design of the Master Plan.

  1. ·         Trail alignment to avoid the rock itself and environmentally sensitive locations, particularly at the base of the rock.
  2. ·         Consider strategies to stop/dissuade visitors from climbing the rock.
  3. ·         Maintain continuous lines of communication with all stakeholders from start to finish of the process.
  4. ·         A list of consultees/stakeholders is currently being developed and will be circulated.
  5. ·         The process must be transparent; the initial stage (Master Plan process) will likely take around 6 months.
  6. ·         The Master Plan document will establish the most significant opportunities and constraints associated with a establishing a trail at Boyagin Rock, providing a framework upon which more detailed investigations can be undertaken, including the identification of future funding opportunities.
  7. ·         Disseminate knowledge of the rock, including the language and oral tradition of the Noongar people.
  8. ·         Respect the storyline and ensure interpretation material associated with the trail is 100% accurate; establish protocols to gather interpretation material and review process to ensure accuracy.
  9. ·         Avoid replicating the less successful elements of the nearby Serpentine Falls project.
  10. ·         Very important to establish rights of access to intended areas of use and address issues of land ownership/management.
  11. ·         All parties are in favour to promote/support the project in some form; ultimate details of the project will be subject to continual consultation.
  12. ·         Need to provide facilities that attract and encourage visitors to learn the history/stories associated with Boyagin Rock.
  13. ·         Involve the community and learn from each other.
  14. ·         Continue to encourage involvement of Shire of Brookton & community.
  15. ·         Seek opportunities to involve local community members in the planning, construction and continuing management of the trail.
  16. ·         Key stakeholders will include (but not necessarily be limited to) the Noongar people, the Shire and DPAW.
  17. ·         Investigate commercial options for the trail.
  18. ·         The trail must be sustainable; the level of development proposed must be carefully considered to ensure protection of existing attributes/values (including the original purpose of establishing the area as a conservation reserve).
  19. ·         Important culturally/environmentally sensitive areas must be protected.

Kind regards


Daniel Ames
Open Space & Recreation Planner

Tredwell Management Services
Specialising in Sport, Recreation and Open Space


  1. Thanks Dan for your summary. I thinks it's a fair representation of what we discussed at the site meeting at Boyagin Rock. We would encourage comment.

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