Thursday, 29 May 2014

Boyagin (Boogin) Rock Master Plan now Available

Well, after much time and effort the final version of the Master (Concept) Plan is now ready for distribution and comment. Electronic copies of the plan are available for download.

Download a copy here.

I have included below the foreword which forms part of the plan. We would very much appreciate your comments with regard to the proposal as outlined in the Master Plan.

Please note: The Master Plan is a concept document which identifies many opportunities and issues relating to any redevelopment at Boyagin Rock (Boogin). It is by no means final. A more detailed and final plan will be developed following a period of consultation with all stakeholders and members of the Noongar families. We urge you all to study the plan carefully and ready yourselves for consultations as we move forward. We hope to be meeting again with GKB next week to provide a project update. Copies of the Master Plan will be presented at that meeting.


The Working Committee for the Boyagin Rock “Dreamtime Walk Trail” project has much pleasure in tabling this Master (Concept) Plan. In developing this Master Plan much time and effort has gone into identifying key stakeholders and opportunities available to the community as a whole if this project were to go ahead. The committee has faced many challenges and has learned much along the way. It became obvious that there are processes in place which needed to be identified and followed if this project is to succeed. These processes can be quite complex and take some time. We sincerely thank everyone involved to date for their positive input and patience shown as we work our way through these processes.

Boyagin Rock is known to the Noongar Peoples as “Boogin”. With the many and diverse stakeholders involved in this project it is seen as important, for reasons of clarity, that we make reference to the site by its official name of Boyagin Rock. The committee will however respect the Noongar peoples, by referring to the rock as Boogin during verbal discussions.

We would like to acknowledge the valuable input from many sources. Tredwell Management acted as consultants in the compilation process for the plan. Other sources of input include, but are not limited to, S.W.A.L.S.C, Wheatbelt NRM, Department for Park and Wildlife (DPaW), Pingelly Aboriginal Progress Association (PAPA), Seabrook Aboriginal Corporation, Department for Aboriginal Affairs, Gnaala Karla Booja (GKB) and the Department of Sport and Recreation.

Special mention needs to go to Lotterywest who kindly assisted with funding for the development of the Master Plan.

The Committee would also like to acknowledge the effort of the Shire of Pingelly Community Development Officer Vince Holt who is the Project Coordinator.

The Working Committee for this project comprises Ray Marshall (Chairman), John Bostock, Greg Durell (DPaW), Malcolm Jetta and Merv Abraham with Vince Holt as Project Coordinator.

The Committee invites you to read this proposal and encourage and look forward to your opinions during the ongoing consultation process.

Ray Marshall
Pingelly Tourism Group.

Thursday, 8 May 2014

Boyagin Rock (Boogin) Project Update

It's been a while since I last posted on this blog. Mainly because we have been busy and I have been away on leave.

The current situation with the project is that our consultants in Tredwell Management have, after much effort, compiled a draft verion of our Master (Concept) Plan today. The appointed committee will be reviewing this draft over the next week or so after which we will have a final version of the plan. We can then make the plan available to the public for review and comment as appropriate. Not long to go now then so please bear with us for a short while longer.

On April 14, 2014 the committee met with the Gnaala Karla Booja (GKB) Working Committee to provide them with an update on progress to date and to seek support to continue to further develop the concept of enhancing the experience at Boogin. The result of this meeting was a letter from GKB giving us direction as to how and who we should talk to in our on-going consultation process and approval in principle to continue forward. We will continue to keep GKB informed and I will be providing them with a consultation plan soon. This is a key milestone in the project and we very much appreciate the time afforded by the GKB Working Committee. Thanks also to Justine McAllister from SWALSC and to DPAW and our committee members for taking the time to meet with GKB.

The draft Master Plan identifies many opportunities and I think it will make very interesting reading. The plan has been constructed in such a way as to provide a number of options ranging from a long walk around the rock, short walks or even no walk at all but a major re-work of the existing picnic area. We will be guided by feedback from the Noongar Peoples during the consultation process.

That's about all for now. Stay tuned in the coming weeks when we are able to publish the Master Plan for comment.

Regards to everyone.
Vince Holt
Project Coordinator.