Monday, 10 February 2014

Boyagin Rock Project - Consultation Heading Forward

Following our Progess Meeting on 6th February 2014 Tredwell Management Consultants have proposed the following:

Hi Vince
Further to the meeting last week, and as agreed, I’ve outlined below our proposal for ongoing consultation and timeframes to inform the development of the trail master plan:

Continuous liaison with the Steering Committee through email/phone/progress meeting/site visit (mid/late March):
Merv Abraham                  Pingelly Noongar Group
Malcolm Jetta                    Pingelly Noongar Group
Ray Marshall                     Pingelly Tourism Group
John Bostock                     Pingelly Tourism Group
Greg Durell                        DPaW
Peter Wnuk                        DPaW
Vince Holt                          Shire of Pingelly
Gavin Pollock                    Shire of Pingelly

Telephone interviews with the following stakeholders (w/c 10/02/2014 onwards):
Eric Pech                              Neighbouring land owner
Wayde Mclean                      DSR
Justin McAllister                   SW Aboriginal Land and Sea Council
Clive Freeman                       SW Aboriginal Land and Sea Council
Arthur and Faye Slater          Seabrook Aboriginal Corporation
Christine Shervington            Uni of WA
Susan Bailey                          Uni of WA
Mike Lynch                            Small Business Council
Richard McAlinden                Newmont Mining
Kooda Cornwell                     Fairbridge Farm
Bibbulmun Track Foundation
Mark Hook                             Shire of Wickepin

Present draft report to Steering Committee (anticipate late April/early May)
Circulate draft report including trail concept maps to the stakeholders for comment.

Public review period (in accordance with Council policy)

Final report submitted End of May/Early June

Please let me know if you have any comments on the above.
Kind regards

Daniel Ames
Open Space & Recreation Planner

Tredwell Management Services

Boyagin Rock Progress Meeting 06 February 2014 - Notes

Below are the notes from our last Progress Meeting held 6th February 2014.

Meeting Notes: Boyagin Rock Progress Meeting
Location: Pingelly Shire Offices
Meeting start time: 1.00pm (run time approx.1.5hr)
Date: 06/02/2013
Vince Holt, Gavin Pollock, Ray Marshall, John Bostock, Greg Durell, Peter Wnuk, Merv Abraham, Daniel Ames (TM), Lachlan Giles (TM)

Malcom Jetta

Key Discussion:
·         Boyagin Rock is only 1 hour from the Bibbulmun Track – the idea of a potential linkage was mentioned
·         Initial conceptual plans of the potential Boyagin Rock walking trail alignment were presented to the group the following feedback was received:
§  DPaW indicated that the larger circular walking route would not be appropriate for further investigation due to various environmental concerns
§  Currently DPaW have no fox baiting buffer zones in place around Boyagin Rock, so if a trail were to be formalised around the rock then appropriate baiting buffer zones would have to apply. This will allow further impingement of feral species into the area.
§  DPaW would prefer that the walking trail allocated would be as small as possible (i.e. as close to the rock as possible) to limit maintenance costs & user risk (i.e. visitor safety) but they acknowledge that a compromise may be possible and that a trail may be achievable in this location, subject to further investigations
§  DPaW informed the group that they can provide Tredwell Management with the following:
Ø  Rare Flora map of site location
Ø  Heritage map of site location
§  Merv indicated his support for this project and also indicated that it would be beneficial to map the required buffer zone distances relevant to the indigenous community (i.e. the area visitors should stay away from the base of the rock) to better inform the design of the trail
·         It was noted that the Wheatbelt NRM Board have produced high quality documents (i.e. NRM Gnamma Story Book – funded by Caring for Our Country) that have successfully brought together key stories and information from several indigenous groups and that they may be a stakeholder in the future.
·         The following points were discussed in regards to project consultation
§  DPaW and the Shire of Pingelly need to be consulted early in the process with the goal of establishing the key principles of this project
§  The Noongar People as well as the Seabrook People are being consulted in regards to this project during the week starting on the 10/02/2014
§  Tredwell Management are to design and distribute to council a consultation plan
§  It was noted that a desktop approach to consultation will be adequate from this stage
§  Neighboring properties are to be consulted
§  The Department of Indigenous Affairs should be consulted in regards to a heritage site that may be located on the eastern side of the rock
·         A Walking Party is to be established to walk the desired route (established by Tredwell) on the next trip to Pingelly (estimated mid-march). This party will involve representatives from Tredwell Management, DPaW, The Noongar indigenous community and the Shire of Pingelly. At this time it was also noted that Tredwell Management will also hold a Workshop with key stakeholders.
·         Precise nature of land ownership/management and implications to this project are still to be determined
·         It was noted that it needs to be clarified with the Noongar people that there is a story to tell about Boyagin Rock. The NRM board may be able to assist in capturing the detailed story information after the completion of the Master Plan
·         As this trail will represent a dreamtime trail sharing the stories of the Noongar people it will be important that they have an opportunity to manage it with the vision for them in the future to potentially manage commercial tours on site with the aspiration for the site and its management to become self-funded and sustainable.
·         It was noted that a trail developed recently at Fitzgerald is a good example of infrastructure
·         It was noted that the SW Land and Sea Council will have legal representation present at the next meeting
·         Next Steps
§  Consultation Plan to be developed
§  Confirmation of date for next meeting in March
§  Contact Key Stakeholders in regards to project development

Monday, 3 February 2014

Project Steering Committee: Progress Meeting

Below is the agenda for our progress meeting 6th February 2014 at 1pm.

Meeting Agenda

Project Steering Committee: Progress Meeting

Date: 06/02/2014
Time: 1:00pm – 2:30pm

Location: Shire of Pingelly Council Chambers

Attendees: Daniel Ames (TM), Lachlan Giles (TM), Gavin Pollock, Vince Holt,
Ray Marshall, John Bostock, Greg Durell, Merv Abraham and Malcolm Jetta

1:00pm – 1:30pm 1. Project Update
Suggested approach
Concept plans

1:30pm – 2:00pm 2. Consultation
Interviews with key stakeholders
Mechanisms to capture
stories/interpretation material

2:00pm – 2:15pm 4. Next Steps

2:15pm – 2:30pm 5. Other Business
Next Meeting Date