Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Boyagin Rock Conceptual Trail Plans

It's been a while since my last post. Christmas and New Year are always times when it seems that not a lot gets done.

Below is the text from an email received from Tredwell Management Consultants today. I thought I would get it out into the public space now so you all know what type of options are being proposed.

The Tourism Group will be calling a meeting soon so we can discuss this and other issues. We also intend to call the Executive Committee together shortly to meet with Tredwell to discuss progress with the Master Plan.

I have attached links to photos of each plan.

Hi Vince

Happy New Year! Hope you had a good break.

Please find attached conceptual trail plans, which will form the basis for onward discussions:

·         SK01 Trail Alignment Options - for photo, click here

·         SK02 Alignment Option 3 - for photo, click here

·         SK03 Trailhead Concept - for photo, click here

·         SK04  Long Distance Trail - 18km (for future consideration) - for photo, click here

Potential trail alignments (SK01) have been considered primarily on the basis of making use of existing tracks that run through the nature reserve.  The intention being to minimise costs and environmental impacts on existing ecological communities, whilst discouraging access onto the rock itself and around the base of the rock.

Option 3 (SK02) makes use of existing tracks plus the forming/defining of a new alignment for one section – it may well be that there is an existing network of existing goat tracks that could be ‘enhanced’ with minimal environmental impact. Interpretation points could be provided immediately adjacent to the main trail alignment, however options to include interpretation points at key locations closer to the rock might be explored, dependent on the nature of the stories being told, and the sensitivities (environmental/cultural) of those areas.  These locations might offer closer views of the rock and/or be related to a specific story/location, accessed from a short ‘down-and-back’ side trail off the main trail.

These options will need to be investigated in more detail on the ground, with appropriate direction from the Noongar people.

The design of the trailhead (SK03), viewing platform and interpretation area would seek to discourage access onto the rock, in association with developing a voluntary code of conduct to modify behaviours and educate visitors about Noongar traditions and beliefs. Strategies/policies employed to discourage climbing at Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park will be further investigated.

Beyond the scope of this project, but of potential interest for the future, would be the consideration of developing a longer distance trail starting from the Boyagin Rock trailhead (SK04). This would offer the visitor/trail user an alternative, more challenging trail option.  The indicative alignment shown is based on a walk currently promoted by the WalkGPS website – the feasibility of such a proposal (and its acceptability from an environmental/cultural point of view) would be subject to a separate study, but of relevance to this project.

Neil will be in touch with you to discuss the project further and agree next steps.

With regards to scheduling a progress meeting, I would be available to meet up on Thursday 6th February if that would be convenient. Happy to meet at your office in Pingelly if that suits.

Kind regards


Daniel Ames

Open Space & Recreation Planner

Tredwell Management Services
Specialising in Sport, Recreation and Open Space